Sunday, February 14, 2016

Monday Mosaics

On Monday we had our first fieldwork session.  Our task was to introduce our topics for teaching and to pretest the group of students in order to gage what they already knew.  Together all three groups devised a pretest consisting of five questions from each group on the topics we are going to teach.  After the pretest we did a Kahoot activity on Ancient China. Ancient Greece, and Ancient Rome.  The students loved the game and were really competitive during it.  It showed us how many students were really interested in using technology for a learning tool.  This gave Kristine and I a lot of insight as to what we could use during our lesson plans.  After the kahoot game we went into our individual introductions into our lesson topics.  China went first and gave a brief description into Ancient China.  They they did an activity having the students create their own lanterns.  Monday was the start of the Chinese new year so creating their own lanterns was a great way to honor that tradition.  Then Greece took their turn and decided to do an activity based on Myth of Medusa.  They had the students create their own versions of a medusa with construction paper, paper plates, crayons and markers.  Then it was Kristine and my turn to introduce Ancient Rome.  We discussed the importance of culture and showed some examples of Mosaics to the students.  I was surprised to hear that many of the students had previously seen mosaics.  We explained to the students that mosaics were restored from millions of years ago and on display in museums across the world.  We then had students create their own mosaics with cut up colored construction paper.  Students were either given a sheet with a gladiator, a coliseum, or a cupid.


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