Monday, February 1, 2016


Today we started the class with a video called The Vision of Students of Today.

The video gave great insight into the minds' of students.  Technology is a growing part of today's society and without it we would not progress.  Teachers need to utilize technology in order to effectively communicate and reach their students.  Students need to feel engaged and challenged within the classroom environment.  Knowing and using the latest technology can help students connect to their fellow peers as well as the teacher.  Many students are already familiar with technology and are using it outside of the classroom.  Bringing that into the classroom can help them feel more comfortable and confident.  It's important that we allow our students to excel and push themselves beyond their comfort zones.
When I was growing up technology that we have today was not available.  We were given set block times where we were brought to a specific technology room and were able to use computers that took a year and a day to load.  Students today are so fortunate for the advances that have been and are continuing to be made.

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