Friday, March 18, 2016

Final Celebration


Our Final day of fieldwork and working with the students has come to end.  It was an amazing experience to be given the chance to work with such talented individuals.  We had a large range in ages and surprisingly many of the younger students paired up really well with the older students.  The older students took on the role as a teacher and guided the younger students.  The students made a final power point presentation and presented their work to the entire class. They were excited to show what they were capable of creating and showing it off to the class.  Once that part of the class was completed Dr Smirnova’s dear friend Ayka came in and talked with us.  She was an extremely interesting woman and talked to us about so many things that she had done in her life.  She a very interesting, strong, intelligent, passionate woman with the drive to change the world.  She has worked her whole life on making an impact in everything that she does.  Some facts about her that I wrote down in my notes while she spoke were the following:

Aytakin (Ayka)
From Azerbaijan, capital Baku
Represents her country as a  Model in the  UN Citizens
She was one of 100 most powerful women at a convention 2 years ago
She graduated with MD
Established national network
Last time she was home was the end of September to beginning of December, but it was very risky
Her country feels like she is a threat for all the work that she is doing
She researched all the state's program in the health field to see where the money was actually going
Master's project: climate diplomacy related to national policies

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